therapy to feel good enough

Do you feel anxious, overwhelmed or exhausted trying to juggle everything on your own?

Do you feel lost and unfulfilled even though your life looks perfect on the outside?

Does you fear of failure and perfectionism hold you back from showing up as your best self and living up to your potential?

Are are consumed with self-doubt and critical thoughts about yourself and feel like a fraud that might get found out?

Do you keep comparing yourself to others and never feel good enough no matter what you achieve?

Do you feel insecure or anxious in relationships and keep chasing romantic partners who aren’t available for you?

Or, do you get scared of intimacy and avoid romantic relationships or ghost friends after ruptures?

It doesn’t have to be like this, i promise. You were never meant to do it all alone.
I’ve been there and I can help.

we will work on:

1. the here and now

Having your feelings about current difficulties in your life, exploring what has brought you to therapy now and making sense of what is going on.

Building safety in our relationship through consistency and slowly getting to know each other.

Helping you to develop healthier habits and coping strategies in your daily life. For example, this may include soothing anxiety, managing burnout, controlling perfectionistic behaviours or setting boundaries with dysfunctional family members.

Practice tolerating emotional intimacy and vulnerability by talking about our relationship so you can feel more comfortable doing so elsewhere.

2. past trauma

Identifying your triggers by making connections between how you are currently feeling and transferences (situations or people earlier in your life it might remind you of).

Exploring childhood and family dynamics with parents and siblings to recognise how those relational patterns repeat in your current relationships so you can break the cycle.

Processing your feelings about things that happened in your past (or what didn’t but should have), so you feel less impacted by them today.

i can support you with

Making sense of a late diagnosis of ADHD and feeling different.

Being an adult child of an alcoholic, depressed, borderline, narcissistic or neurodivergent parent/s.

Managing self doubt, negative thoughts and imposter syndrome.

Being the family scapegoat that can never get things right or feel the pressure of being the favourite child.

Healing from critical, overbearing or absent or neglectful parents.

Experiences of abandonment, rejection, estrangement or a bereavement.

6 signs to start therapy

You have read all the books and practiced self-help strategies but any changes you make don’t help or last.

You need space to have your feelings about things with someone impartial who won’t try to fix it for you.

Your current struggles are putting a strain on your relationships with family or friends who aren’t sure how to best help.

You’re ready to break the cycle of generational trauma so that you don’t repeat the ways that you were treated in your relationships.

The part of you that is wanting to make changes in your life is bigger than the part of you that might feel unsure, scared or doubting yourself.

You are willing to make space in your diary for a regular session one hour a week.


“I was introduced to Harriet by a friend last year, and I can honestly say it’s been one of best investments I have ever made. I had weekly sessions with Harriet for 12 months, and within that time, she helped me overcome so much. At points it was hard work having to show up for myself even when I didn’t want to, but Harriet kept me accountable, and I’m a completely different person now. She has taught me so much in such a short space of time, and has given me the tools to live the life I have always dreamt of. I cannot recommend Harriet’s services enough.”

- Therapy client

fees + current availability for sessions

20 minute discovery call: FREE
50 minute individual therapy session: £85
90 minute group therapy session: £45

I do not currently have any low cost spaces at this time.

Payment is to be made via bank transfer before the day of the session. For international clients who do not have access to a UK bank account, payment can be taken via Stripe.

I currently have space for new or returning clients on:
-Tuesdays at 12pm or 3pm
-Wednesdays at 11am
-Thursdays at 11am or 12pm

We will meet at the same day and time each week.

common questions

Where will sessions take place?
All sessions are held online via the secure platform, Zoom.

How often do i need to see you?
Starting therapy weekly is my preferred way of working. This enables us to get to know one another, for me to establish a deeper understanding of your story and for you to feel supported in the process.

Over time you may wish to reduce to fortnightly - this is something that we can review taking into account your progress and personal circumstances. I am on occasion, able to offer fortnightly sessions to increase accessibility for new clients who might otherwise be unable to attend, although please bare in mind this can dilute the therapy and will take longer to reach your therapy goals.

How long will i need to be in therapy for?
Therapy is open ended so the length of time you decide to invest in therapy is completely individual and will be dependent on the issues you wish to work through.

“it’s never too late to be
whoever you want to be”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald

next steps

Contact me by email or fill in the form below by sharing a little about what brings you to therapy, and your availability for sessions.

I will reply and arrange a free 20 minute phone call with you (usually within the next 24 hours).

I will ring you at the agreed time to have an informal chat where you can share in more detail what you are needing some support with and for me to answer any questions you might have about how therapy with me could help you.

If we both decide to proceed, we will schedule in our first session within a week.

I will email you my counselling contract and a form for you to fill in with your basic details to send back to me; and a zoom link which will work for all our sessions. That’s it!






our first session

Reaching out for therapy is a courageous decision and you understandably might feel a bit nervous about what will happen in our first session together. I will invite you to share how it feels to be sitting with me but the focus of session will be led by you and what it is you would like to bring.

We will go at a pace that feels comfortable for you and I won’t make you talk about anything you don’t want to. I don’t ask you fill in any questionnaires each week or set you any therapy homework. I always see our first sessions as just opportunities for us to get to know each other better. There is no pressure to do anything else other than that.

arrange a free call

Interested in working together? Fill in the form below and I will be in touch with you shortly. I can't wait to hear from you!