monthly online group therapy

This group is for you if:

You struggle with feelings of not being good enough, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, burnout and/or overachieving.

You have a tendency to people please or find it hard to express your needs and communicate your feelings with others.

You have difficult family relationships, struggle with intimacy, feel anxious in relationships or chase unavailable partners.

You want to increase your self-awareness and authenticity whilst breaking relational patterns that hold you back.

benefits of group therapy

Compassionate support from a qualified psychotherapist and like-minded peers who get it.

Understand how family dynamics play out in your current relationships and practice responding differently.

Learn to communicate openly, practice social situations and resolve ruptures in a safe space.

More motivation and accountability to attend therapy sessions and do the work needed on your healing.

Increase emotional intimacy and vulnerability by learning to share and receive feelings.

Practice relating authentically, taking up space and asking for your needs to be met.

Increased self-awareness by gaining insights from others with different perspectives.

Reduces shame and isolation knowing others have similar feelings or experiences to you.

Reduced cost and time commitment than attending individual therapy.

the details

Group runs on the first Tuesday evening of each month at 6-7.30pm (UK time).

Membership of the group costs £45.

New clients who do not already work with me are invited to have an free 20 minute zoom call to assess your needs and suitability for the group prior to starting.

Groups are held online via Zoom, which can be used on most devices. You will therefore need a stable internet connection (strong enough to watch Netflix) and access to a quiet, private space to maintain confidentiality.

Membership to the group is ongoing, so you can continue to attend for as long as you wish. When someone decides it’s time to leave, their spot may be offered to the next person on the waiting list. The group will consist of no more than 8 group members.

book your place

Please fill in the form below to arrange a free 20 minute call to discuss your needs and to answer any questions you may have about joining the group. I will get back to you as soon as I am available. (Please keep an eye on your junk mail).