8 week sisterhood circles

do you…

Always put the needs of others first and struggle to find time for yourself?

Experience competition, comparison or mistrust with women?

Stay small and keep quiet to make others comfortable?

Hold back from pursuing your dreams and desires through fear of what other people might think?

Struggle with feeling too much or not enough?

Feel threatened, jealous or resentful of successful and powerful women?

Doubt yourself and feel unworthy of living the life you seek?

Crave intimate friendships but worry about being rejected, replaced or fitting in?

This is your invitation to heal through experiencing the magic of sisterhood and building deep, meaningful connections with other likeminded women.

This empowering 8 week sisterhood circle programme offers a safe, accepting and loving space for self reflection and sharing of experiences free from interruption, judgement, comparison or unsolicited advice.

it’s time to….

Identify the root cause of your sister wound and how it shows up so you can stop getting in your own way.

Take up the space you deserve, learn to love yourself and speak your truth.

Let go of the roles and expectations you have been put in and follow your deepest desires and dreams.

Heal your insecurities, fears and inherited relational patterns from your ancestors to break the cycle.

Remove the masks you wear to show up authentically and unapologetically as yourself.

Transform your relationships so women are your allies and not your enemies.

what you get:

8x 2 hour sisterhood circles facilitated by Harriet Gleeson (a qualified counsellor & psychotherapist)

Journal prompts + resources for each session theme

Private WhatsApp group to share your sisterhood journey and connect in between sessions and beyond.

My experience, energy and support

circle structure:

Opening of the circle

Guided meditation

Introduction and check-in

Reading on session theme

Opening of the sharing circle

Intention setting

Closing poem + oracle card

dates for your diary - tbc

Week one: Competition and comparison

Week two: Goodbye to the good girl

Week three: Daring to dream big

Week four: Becoming body neutral

Week five: Reclaiming your voice

Week six: Setting boundaries

Week seven: Prioritising pleasure

Week eight: Cultivating connection and belonging

The Sisterhood Circles will be based on the following themes:

the sisterhood circle is:

For women seeking authentic connection with likeminded others.

A place to tap into your deepest desires, needs and speak your truth.

A supportive space to empower and share experiences with other women.

For those ready to deep dive in their healing and make big changes by taking radical responsibility.

the sisterhood circle is not:

A therapy group - awareness of where our sister wounds come from is welcomed to be named although this will not be processed in the circle.

Suitable for individuals in crisis or with unmanaged mental health difficulties who might find participating in the circle destabilising.

A space to complain, gossip, or criticise others in a way that continues to keep you disempowered.

“A circle of women may be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered.”

— Jeanette LeBlanc


The 8 week sisterhood circles will be held online via Zoom.

Dates for next cohort TBC

Spaces are limited to a maximum of 8 participants to ensure a safely held and supportive space. Please note sessions will NOT be recorded.

Circles are open to those identifying as women.

Investment: Only £400! To be made by bank transfer please.

Interest free payment plans are available, please contact me to discuss and arrange.

about the facilitator:

Harriet aka @the.good.enough.therapist is a qualified counsellor + psychotherapist with over 10 years experience working in mental health services and facilitating groups.

Harriet is a recovering perfectionist, high achiever and family scapegoat, specialising in supporting individuals to feel good enough and recognise their worth. Having been compared and criticised by other women growing up she wishes to share the magic of sisterhood that she has experienced in her own healing, and loves nothing more than seeing women step into their power and cheerlead other women.

sisterhood circle - agreement

Participation in the Sisterhood Circle requires that all members uphold the values of trust, courage, respect, openness, confidentiality and inclusivity at all times.