Hey i’m Harriet,

also known as The Good Enough Therapist and I specialise in supporting women in their 20’s and 30’s to increase their self-esteem.

I can help you to overcome anxiety, insecurities and self doubt which are impacting your life - at work, in intimate relationships and your health.

Most of my clients come to me because they have spent years reading self-help books and implementing CBT strategies but any changes they make do not last. This is because they are designed to manage symptoms in the short term. Instead, i can help you to heal the root causes.

It’s not a weakness or failure to ask for help. We all need people and if we have been hurt in relationship, then we also need to heal in relationship. This is where therapy comes in - you actually can’t do it by yourself.

facts about me

(and why i can help you)….

I have 12 years experience working in a wide variety of inpatient and community mental health and addiction services. Previous roles have included working as a community support worker, delivering therapeutic interventions on acute mental health wards and managing a drug and alcohol caseload before training to become a therapist.

My personal therapy journey began back in 2014 when i first started counselling to grieve the loss of my brother. As a young child I was highly perfectionist, extremely anxious and worked hard to try and do the best at everything I did, but it never felt enough. I often collected achievements to try and prove my worth although having undiagnosed ADHD meant i often didn’t quite live up to my potential or the high standards that were set for me. As I continued with therapy and looked at the family more widely, i recognised i was the scapegoat within a narcissistic and alcoholic family. Through doing the work on myself and letting go of the need to earn their love and approval, i was able to stop the cycle of abuse and go no contact with my family of origin.

I see healing as an ongoing journey as we constantly evolve through life, so i am passionate about continuing to engage in my own therapy to be as emotionally available as possible for you. I understand what it takes to be a cycle breaker, and i am here to help you do the same in whichever way it means to you, so you can live a happy, content and meaningful life.

my approach

I am an integrative therapist with a developmental focus. I hold a compassionate, trauma-informed perspective in which I see current struggles or problems in relationships as outdated survival strategies which were needed in earlier times in your life. Often this is because as a child your early developmental needs to be heard, supported and cared for were not sufficiently met.

Working relationally, I believe that in developing a safe and trusting relationship, what happens between us in the therapy can offer insight and healing opportunities to work through the issues which also happen ‘out there’ in your life.

For example, in expressing your feelings and needs in therapy and having these be heard, understood and met with warmth, consistency and love can offer a new, reparative template of being in relationship which can help to heal negative past experiences by getting what didn’t get back then and supporting you to practice safe intimacy with me, so you can then experience it with others.

We are a team.

I’m not a therapist who will sit there in silence and nod while you pour your heart out! Two of us are in the relationship, and so I see therapy as a collaborative process. The content of session is dictated by what you want to bring, however I will respond in a directive way to encourage further exploration of these issues and offer challenge when needed. I’m straight talking, swear sometimes and show up as myself - not in a role. I also encourage you to bring your authentic, messy self without having to be perfect or ‘put together’.


PGDip Counselling & Psychotherapy - University of Leeds
BSc Psychology (First Class Hons) - Nottingham Trent University
Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Level 2 Award in Counselling Concepts

professional development

I am committed to regularly updating my skills and knowledge; engaging in Continuing Professional Development through reading, research and additional training.

I also attend supervision regularly and engage in my own personal therapy.

professional membership

I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP) and follow their ethical framework.

I love:
Making memories with my chosen family, sitting in the sunshine, makeup, florals, brunch, travelling.

You will find me:
Pom dancing, learning tarot, in the sauna, watching netflix or buying books I never get chance to read.

I’m not a fan of:
Watching the news, small talk, cold winter mornings (things that dysregulate my nervous system).

when i’m not in therapy…

work with me